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it's true. You can bullshit yourself all day long, but when you look at your life and you see the areas you don’t have what you want, ask yourself:
You will want to say yes but, or "Well, the thing is...", but if you were to get serious with yourself, if you don’t have it currently, the answer is always going to be NO.
NO, you do not believe you deserve it.
Not yea but or "Well the thing is..."
The answer always is,
I do not believe I deserve what I desire.
The reasons WHY you don’t believe you deserve it vary, most likely you are obeying a command you were taught as a kid, how to get love, how to not make “it” worse at home, at school, how to not poke the bear, you name it,
Let’s cut to the chase, you do not believe you deserve it because you have been listening to everyone else, EXCEPT your desires, your daydreams.
You can fool yourself and defend yourself all you want. You can give a million reasons why YOU are the exception.
There are no exceptions. We are all the same.
We all have “trauma”
We all react from those experiences and you either believe you deserve it which will be shown in what you experiencing,
or you don’t.
If you don’t have it, you do not believe you deserve it.
No looking away from this. No telling yourself, or me for that matter, that you do.
If you did, you’d have it.
So instead of defending yourself here, or getting upset with me, look deeper to why you don’t believe you don’t deserve it. When you can get serious about why you don’t believe you deserve it (which always includes some element of GUILT)
THEN AND ONLY THEN can you begin to clear away the pathway to believing you do.
And you will know you do believe you do, when you fucking see it in your life,
and not a moment before then.
If you don’t have it, you don’t believe you deserve it.
Look deeper.
Why? Really why?
Clear all that gunk ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE CORE,
and then when it’s clear,
Watch whatever IT is, arrive.
One way to help clear it is to imagine what life would look like to have it,
what your life will look like when you do, ACTUALLY believe you deserve it.
To imagine,
it makes sense, with the lineage of fear, teaching us not to get too big for our britches, keeping us in line.
In Maxwell Maltz’ book “Psycho-Cybernetics” he says our nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a ‘real’ experience.
Too many of us are not comfortable playing pretend, for our nervous system cannot relax enough to imagine what life would look like, other than what’s in front of us.
This is why we are getting MORE of what we are seeing. We got it backwards. We have to start with the vision that then shapes it into our reality.
Why can’t we do that? We lost the art of play as adults.
I am here to give us a taste of what it was once like before we lost it.
Join the dozens of others who have shared their daydream with me.
It takes one hour ish and it’s really FUN!
Come, daydream with me.
It takes about 90 minutes and it’s FUN.
(Fun is key to clearing the gunk)
To make daydreaming sessions available to more people, I decided to make them available at four different price points. Please feel free to choose which one works best for you.
(once you make your payment, we will schedule our session!)
When what once was your daydream, is now the reflection of your belief that you DO believe it.
You believe you deserve it, because you now HAVE it.
You have to believe it to see it.
Not the other way around.
Oh and ps: this goes for me too. I took all that I've been learning, applied it to myself and am in the middle of my most terrifying and exciting breakthrough EVER. Like THEE breakthroughs to end all breakthroughs. I’m not special.
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