Signed in as:
Signed in as:
A little bit Mama Bear.
A little bit Dominatrix.
Little Comedian.
A bunch of full blown nerd.
And whole lot of magic and growth, working with me.
I'm so glad you stumbled on this page. This is one of the most important pages on this website to me. Why? Because it's here that I show you just how much working with you means to me, and... how grateful I am that you would even consider doing so.
We're always changing, growing, learning. My motto in my life (my original website called ancora-imparo) literally means "I am still learning" in Italian and it rings so true that we are never the same person, as we experience life.
I know I'm not.
I'm not the same person I was when I got certified as a coach, back in 2011. I'm not the same person I was before I became a mom and we've got this misperceived notion that we have to be the same, though the years.
I know this has been seen as the kiss of death to marketing gurus but there are two messages that I always lead with as I teach, as I lead:
Part of the reason why I don't really enjoy calling myself a coach these days, is again, this preconceived notion that you go to a coach WHO KNOWS MORE THAN YOU.
I don't. I don't know more than you.
Sure, I study a shit ton, around the topics that turn me on.
Yes, I am a deep person and I love swimming in the deep end of life, I always have.
I absolutely KNOW that I can help you move from where you are to where you want to be.
*push you if I have to. With your consent that is.
But that does NOT mean I know better.
That I do better.
NOPE. I fuck up, just like you.
I have trauma, just like you do.
I have moments of intense darkness, yup, just like you.
I just, have always had a burning desire to help others,
to sit with them,
hold their hand and when they're ready (key here)
help them reach their goals.
*ever since I was six. (cray, I know.)
SO... what's my specialty? My focus?
Now we're talking!
okay, before you check out what turns me on, I gotta tell you this is my focus because it's what closely resonates in my OWN life. I have sought out these topics because it's what I'm studying for ME.
again, I'm not perfect and I have learned that I am best able to hold space for those who I have some personal understanding with.
So with that being said, below you'll find what topics I really love to partner with others on.
Hey, so if what you are reading, if what you are feeling resonates with you, why not schedule a consultation (or discovery call as the coaching industry likes to call it) call with me.
A single one off call is calls an I SEE YOU SESSION and it's recommended before investing to see if we would be a good match.
I want to make sure that you feel as good working for me.
And me with you.
Will say up front that this is my specialty because this is my OWN journey. *I'm not afraid to share my story as a learning tool.
Until you learn about this, you will still feel so confused, so lost. In your relationship, in your family.
I have been avidly studying Codependency (and Narcissism) for four years now, and it blows my mind how many souls come to me to SEEK OUT their own unconscious addiction to approval.
Most people are too afraid to DO these above on a daily basis.
We have been taught not to TRUST ourselves, not to FORGIVE, not to SURRENDER to the moment, not to repeat this cycle, over and over.
Most of us rely on the KNOWN.
Learning to let go of the KNOWN and TRUST the process, to use FORGIVENESS (mostly of ourselves) and to SURRENDER to what's showing up takes courage that only few will SEEK.
(let's see who can own this for themselves?)
Most of us have not been taught how to own our own sexual story . We are taught in the dark and then wonder why we are so unsatisfied.
We all have issues with sex and I feel so excited to be among the brave who want to surface the topics that we've taught are taboo, and replace them with a healthy understanding so we can make a more informed choice for our lives.
You are allowed to SEEK whatever kind of sex you desire, from the most routine, to even the most kinky kind.
Sign up for my "Notes to Self" series, a way for you to remember we are all more alike than different. PS: I take privacy seriously and will not share your data. Unsubscribe anytime.